NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) Gap Assessment
MainStream GS (MSGS) was awarded a competitive RFP project by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA GSFC) to conduct a Program Management Gap Assessment of NASA GSFC’s Environmental Safety & Occupational Health Program known as the Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP). The VPP Program is administered by the U.S. Department of Labor’s, Occupational Safety & Health Administration. VPP recognizes employers and workers in the private industry and federal agencies who have implemented effective safety and health management systems and maintain injury and illness rates below national Bureau of Labor Statistics averages for their respective industries.
MainStream GS (MSGS) assembled and deployed a cross-functional team of Certified Safety Professionals, Program Management and Project Support resources to assess NASA GSFC’s current VPP Program and the Gap that exists towards achieving VPP Star Status.
OSHA recognizes three statuses or levels completeness and effectiveness for VPP programs, with the most effective being “Star”. The MSGS team examined NASA GSFC’s program against four critical elements composed of 124 sub‐elements. The four critical Program elements the MSGS team examined were: Management Leadership and Employee Involvement; Worksite Analysis; Hazard Prevention and Control; and Safety and Health Training. The MSGS team worked on site at NASA GSFC to review all 124 VPP sub‐elements, and outlined the details of our assessment in a written report and briefing to NASA GSFC leadership.
MSGS VPP Gap Assessment Team used a combination of direct observations, formal and informal personnel interviews, and document reviews to assess the current condition of the health and safety management Program at NASA GSFC.
The VPP Gap Assessment was completed and a detailed 93 page report supported by an executive summary and PowerPoint briefing was delivered to NASA GSFC Management
The report and briefing provided NASA GSFC with a clear and documented understanding of the current state of their VPP Program
Gaps were identified with NASA GSFC’s current Program and VPP Star Status and a roadmap and recommendations were provided on steps that could be taken to close the Gaps and get on a clear path to achieving VPP Star Status at NASA GSFC